Sustainability Governance

We are committed to strong governance – corporate integrity, transparency and accountability. We believe that the long-term success and viability of our organization is founded in the principles of agency, accountability and responsible stewardship. Ivanhoe Mines strives to maintain the highest standards of ethics, corporate governance, honesty and accountability, as directed by our Code of Business Conduct and Ethics, while pursuing the underlying business objective of building long term, shared value for all our stakeholders.

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Material Topics

Ivanhoe Mines undertakes a biennial materiality assessment to ensure that we identify our most material impacts both to our organization as well as to our stakeholders. Our material impacts inform our approach to sustainability disclosures and helps us refine our sustainability strategy to better focus our efforts towards achieving and contributing to global best practice. In 2022, ten material topics were selected which informed our objectives setting and sustainability focus for 2023, click here to view.

Human Rights

As a responsible Canadian mining company operating globally, Ivanhoe Mines is committed to respecting and observing all human rights, consistent with the principles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the United Nations Global Compact. As a fundamental operating principle embedded in our Statement of Values and Responsibilities, we strive to respect human rights wherever we do business and recognize the equality and dignity of the people with whom we interact every day.

Our Contribution to

Advancing the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Ivanhoe Mines strives to embed an effective response to our prioritized SDGs and targets. In 2020, we set out to identify our priority SDGs, and have revisited these annually to ensure they remain prevalent. Our most material SDGs for Ivanhoe and our stakeholders were determined to be: SDG 1, SDG 3, SDG 4, SDG 5, SDG 6, SDG 12, SDG 13 and SDG 15. In 2022, Ivanhoe Mines commissioned PwC to complete a “current state analysis” of our contribution to our prioritized SDGs. This assessment considered the average contribution across 31 SDG targets identified by Ivanhoe Mines, on a scale of aspirational to integrated, at each of our projects.  The outcomes have been used to identify strengths and gaps, as well as specific opportunities to maximize our contribution to the SDGs.

Membership Affiliations

Ivanhoe Mines aligns with several with key global standards and industry led affiliations who focus on improving sustainable development in the mining and metals industry. In 2022 we confirmed our commitment to the UNGC and EITI through membership and made our first submissions for assessment in 2023. Recently we have joined the International Copper Association and have also become supporters of the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures. Looking forward we are striving to join other sector relevant organisations such as the ICMM and Copper Mark as well as further align ourselves to additional global standards such as the GISTM.

Membership Affiliations

Ivanhoe Mines aligns with several with key global standards and industry led affiliations who focus on improving sustainable development in the mining and metals industry. In 2022 we confirmed our commitment to the UNGC and EITI through membership and made our first submissions for assessment in 2023. Recently we have joined the International Copper Association and have also become supporters of the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures. Looking forward we are striving to join other sector relevant organisations such as the ICMM and Copper Mark as well as further align ourselves to additional global standards such as the GISTM.