
Ivanhoe Mines is committed to upholding responsible environmental stewardship. Throughout all stages of our operations - from exploration to closure and post-closure - we constantly strive to improve our environmental performance and advocate for the least adverse impact on the natural environment.

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We are committed to responsible water management in support of the UN SDGs. We strive to adopt sustainable practices that promote and ensure responsible consumption, with a special focus on water-stressed regions and areas that are most vulnerable to climate change impacts.

GHG Update

In 2022, Kamoa-Kakula updated its GHG assessment and development of alternatives roadmap.

Reducing Emissions

Platreef continues to implement emissions-free, battery electric vehicles.

Solar Power

Construction of Platreef’s first 5-MW solar-power plant commenced in Q4 2022. The power generated by this plant will support development activities and operations.


As the climate constines to change, the challenges brough about by its shift pose constraints to our business as well as the biophysical and social environment within which we operate. Ivanhoe recognizes its responsibility in addressing this global issue by reducing emissions at our operations and within our supply chain and by responsibly producing these essential metals. By supporting and advancing the global objective of limiting global warming to below 1.5 degrees Celsius, Ivanhoe advocates for promoting access to innovative, reliable, and affordable renewable energy sources. This not only encourages economic development but also enhances the quality of life for people worldwide.


Ivanhoe understands and acknowledges the importance of responsible water stewardship in the mining industryand takes steps to ensure strategic water managemnet as a valuable resources both within and beyond our mining footprint. We are acutely aware of the water-related challenges in the regions where we operate and strive to adopt sustainable practices that promote responsible usage, particularly in water-stressed regions and those most vulnerable to climate change.

Our approach to water usage is shaped by comprehensive engagement with stakeholders, including investors, policymakers, peer organizations, non-governmental organizations and host communities.


Ivanhoe recognizes the crucial role of biodiversity in sustaining both the mining environment and the livelihoods of local and regional communities. We understand the interconnectedness between the development and implementation of sustainable and inclusive land use planning procedures and the adoption of alternative livelihood practices. We value and respect natural, cultural and heritage resources and are committed to the protection and conservation of biodiversity areas, species and ecosystems, as well as areas and objects of cultural and heritage significance.

Tailings and Waste Management

At Ivanhoe, we make efforts to ensure the sustainable use of resources by adopting effective waste management and circular economy methods. We continually monitor our waste management plans and programs to reduce our waste impact and find avenues for reuse and recycling.

Our tailings storage facilities are specifically engineered and designed to allow for safe storage and management of mineral waste. Concurrent rehabilitation by backfilling enables Ivanhoe to minimize our surface footprint, reduce closure and rehabilitation liabilities and help support the underground mine by filling voids. In addition, Ivanhoe Mines complies with the ICMM requirements for tailings management as set out in the GISTM, at all of our sites.