Ivanhoe continues to drive its water resource management and stewardship practices towards achieving its Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) which are relevant to Ivanhoe’s operations and commitments to local communities.
Platreef stepped up to the plate as part of their second Social and Labour Plan (SLP), pledging to revitalize water supply infrastructure across numerous communities around the project. Driven by the Integrated Development Plan of the Mogalakwena Local Municipality (MLM) and SDGs 6 and 12, Platreef worked in tandem with the municipality to tackle water scarcity in the host communities. However, the MLM had previously installed pipes and infrastructure for the provision of water, but rampant equipment theft and a lack of maintenance made accessing water an impossible struggle for these communities. To combat this issue, Platreef launched a five-year long refurbishment project, restoring five boreholes in Ga-Magongoa and subsequently moving on to other communities, including Tshamahansi, Sekgoboko, Ga-Kgobudi, Ga-Mokaba, Malepetleke, and Kgobudi 2. A youth-owned company, MJ Mokwena Construction & Projects, played an active role in the successful implementation of the project, building local buy-in and local employment throughout the process.